Contact Us

Contact Info

Phone: 785-263-3221

Clinic Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:00am-4:00pm
Saturday: 7:00am-9am By appointment only; Sunday: Emergency On call only (for clients)


Get Directions


Our office is easily accessible!


When traveling on I-70

  • Take exit 275 (Highway 15 exit / Buckeye Avenue)
  • Turn south and follow to the second stoplight (14th street)
  • Turn right (west) and follow the road approximately 1.5 miles until the road curves south.
  • Just after the road curves south, Symbioun is located on your left-hand side and the sign near the road reads “Veterinary Clinic”

When traveling on K-15

  • Follow K-15 highway into Abilene until you reach the 14th-street stoplight (Sonic and Kwik Shop are located at this corner)
  • Turn west on 14th street and follow it approximately 1.5 miles until the road curves south. Just after the road curves south, Symbioun is located on your left-hand side and the sign near the road reads “Veterinary Clinic”.